How can we help you?

We recommend you to visit our Pricing page for greater detail. In short, the free plan only allows you to have up to 3 active patients per month. After that you have to subscribe to the Pro plan, where $1.5 is charged for each attended patient per month.
Of course! If you see that a plan does not satisfy all of your needs, you can change your plan in just 4 clicks.
Never. We want your experience with Almendra to be extremely positive even if you decide to cancel your subscription.
We accept credit and debit cards from major brands such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club and others. At the moment we only accept online payments, and all our prices are in USD.
No. All updates and software improvements are completely free of charge and are included in the price of every plan. In Almendra we have a culture of constant innovation, so these updates and improvements will be continuous.
No. You will only enter your card if you want to subscribe to a plan.
Yes. Almendra is a cloud software, so you will need an internet connection in order to use it.
If your bank account is not in American dollars, don't worry, you can subscribe to any plan. The usual thing is that the issuing entity of your card performs the currency conversion from US dollars to your currency.
They are 100% secured. Your data and the one of your patients belong to you and the only ones who can edit them are you and your patients, in their respective accounts. The data is stored in a server with world class security. Backup copies are performed every so often, which means that if you lose your computer you will not have to worry about all the data you have stored in Almendra.
You can send us an email to with your proposal.